
Baptism, from the Greek word baptisma which means a "dipping" is the first of the three Sacraments of Initiation. It is the sacrament in which by water and the power of the Holy Spirit a person is cleansed of all sin, including original sin, and experiences birth into the new life of Christ.   

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit" - Matthew 28:19


Baptism of Children ages 0 - 6

Do you have a new addition to the family? Congratulations!  The Baptism of infants and young children is celebrated during Weekend Liturgies and offered between the Sunday Masses at scheduled times through the year.  

To begin the process of having a child baptized at St. Bernard parents should first be registered members of St. Bernard prior to baptism and at least one parent is required to attend a Baptism Preparation Session to begin the process for baptism.   

You will need at least one fully initiated Catholic godparent.  To read more about the requirements for a godparent and other detailed information about the Rite of Baptism download this brochure.  -"Preparing your family and child for the Sacrament of Baptism."     

Baptism's are offered at 10 am on the first Sunday of each month.   If you prefer to have the baptism at a Mass or on another weekend, we can work with you to arrange that.

Once you have chosen your godparents, you will need to have your Catholic godparent(s) verify their eligibility by having this form completed by the parish where they are registered. 

After attending the parent session, you will be given a Baptism Registration form to complete. The baptism will be scheduled after we have received both your registration form and the Godparent Certificate(s) of Eligibility forms.  Baptisms typically occur on Sundays at 10 am.

Parent Preparation sessions are held on Saturday mornings at 10:00 am in the All-Saints Room (located in the Parish Office Annex Building) The dates for the next scheduled sessions are listed below.   

July 20, 2024

August 24, 2024

October 19, 2024

 To register for one of these dates  you can complete the form below or email Cyndi Marlow with your choice of date.


Feel free to contact the parish office, 239-5178 2203 with any questions.  We look forward to welcoming your family member to our Church family


Baptism of  Children ages 7 and older

Once a child reaches the age of 7 they are considered by the Catholic Church to be of the age of reason.  Canon 97.2 defines an “infant” as one who has not yet completed his seventh year of age. That’s because once a child reaches the age of seven, he is presumed to have the use of reason, and is then capable of personal responsibility for his actions

This means if you have a child aged 7 or older, they will be participating in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), adapted for children. It goes without saying that at the practical level, children are under the care and authority of their parents for many more years. But canonically,  a child over the age of seven falls into the same category as an adult.

For more information on getting started in the RCIA for children please contact Cyndi in the parish office.


Adult Baptism (16 and above)

Adults who desire to become fully initiated Catholics that are not baptized or who were baptized in another faith tradition and desire to be Catholic take part in the process known as RCIA. You can read much more about this process by clicking here.




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