The Rescue Project



Why is there something rather than nothing?

Why is everything so messed up?

What, if anything, has God done about it?

How should I respond?


Do you ever ask yourself these questions?

Then we invite you to join us for The Rescue Project.

Together  we can discover The Story. 


Sundays  February 4 - March 24, 2024, 6:30 pm

The Sunday, February 11 time has been moved to 2pm

to get everyone out in plenty of time for the Super Bowl!

(the Sunday March 17 Session will begin at 5:30 pm and include a full meal ) 

in the Checkerboard Room


Mondays, February 5 - March 25, 2024, Noon

(snacks and dessert to be served - bring a brown bag lunch)

in the All Saints Room (space is limited for the Monday option)


RSVP  below


Join us for dessert and snacks, an episode, and great discussion.

 With the Rescue project you'll be able to experience the Story of Jesus in a brand new way.

And we can promise: if you enter into the Story of Jesus with an open heart, He will meet you there.

We hope you join us for The Rescue Project. 

What is it?

Simply put, the Rescue Project is an 8 week experience of community and the story of the Gospel surrounded by food, conversation and prayer.

It seeks to proclaim the gospel in a compelling and attractive way over eight weeks in a small group format. This experience is imbued with beauty, authentic humanity, and accompaniment.

More concretely, The Rescue Project is proposing another way to see reality through biblical lenses; it’s a way to make sense out of why are things going wrong when they go wrong and why it is that even when times are tough, especially when times are tough, we don’t have to be anxious or afraid or give in to depression or despair.


Why Rescue?

We passionately believe that the most urgent task is the compelling proclamation of the gospel, one that not only shares it in an attractive – and concentrated – way, but that also offers people a way of seeing reality, and of making sense of the world, history, and life that is vastly different from the story our modern culture tells.

Until this happens, the Christian faith is often experienced as a mere set of rules and disciplines, and simply going to Church isn’t likely to lead a person to embark on the great adventure that is following Jesus and continuing His mission of the rescuing of this world. 


What will I gain:

Delve Deeper into the Gospel in the context of our everyday life struggles
Understand how the Gospel is personal for your life
Learn how to share Jesus Christ’s saving power with others in your life
Make new parish friends in the process
Become more invested in your faith

What if I have to miss a week?

That's OK.   You will still greatly benefit for the nights/days that you are able to attend.  We can fill you in later about how you may be able to watch a missed episode.


Who is it for?

  • The Rescue Project is for everyone.
  • Men and Women
  • Teens
  • Catholics and Non-Catholics
  • New to the Faith and Life-long believers
  • Those unsure of what they believe
  • If you have a pulse The Rescue Project is for YOU!

 It appeals to those who have been walking with Jesus for years, as well as those for whom Jesus is only a figure in ancient history. For those who have been practicing their Catholic faith their whole lives, it will breathe new life into your faith. The Mass will come alive as you experience the gospel in a way you have quite likely never experienced it before. If you are a “fallen-away” Catholic who no longer goes to Mass for any number of reasons, the Rescue Project is also for you. It’s for everyone, everywhere, whether inside or outside of the Church.

In short, the Rescue Project proposes a Biblical world view that, if nothing else, will challenge you to re-think what is real, what is true, and what is most important in life. 

Oh, and by the way it’s free!


What to expect

 The Rescue project is an experience of the gospel surrounded by conversation, food, and prayer over eight weeks in a small group format.

First up, there’s dsesert and horderves.  Whether it’s a group of friends gathered around a kitchen table or a quick catch-up over coffee and cake, sharing food around the table has a way of bringing people together. It’s no different at the Rescue Project. We start with some simple dessert and snacks because it’s a great way to encourage community and get to know each other.

Then a Episode. The Rescue Project episodes focus on preaching the gospel with a provocative and compelling approach. Generally, 25 minutes long, with each episode building on the other.

Followed by Conversation. Probably the most important part of the evening–is the chance to share thoughts and ideas on the topic and simply discuss it in a small group. There’s no obligation to say anything. And there’s nothing you can’t say. It’s an opportunity to hear from others and contribute your own perspective in an honest, friendly, and open environment.


How can I join the Rescue Team or help out?

Just fill out the RSVP form and check the area where you would like to help out.  Depending on your gifts and charisms, our needs are Hospitality and food team, a prayer team, a music team,  and table facilitators.  If you have any questions about these roles, give Cyndi a call in the parish office 502-239-5178 ext 2203 or shoot her an email .